The cuddle nest
The cuddle nest
Hand-raised parrotlets in Los Angeles, CA.
Join the nest!
Welcome to the Cuddle Nest. Our nest is full of baby Parrotlets, hand raised in cooperation with their Parrotlet parents so they get the best of everything. We are a small hobby breeder located in Los Angeles, CA. Our current Parrotlets come in American Turquoise varieties and beautiful pastel shades. They are hand-tamed and ready for cuddles & kisses. Our breeding practice stems from over 25 years of experience with Parrotlets. On this site you can find information on our current babies available for adoption, register for our Interest List, our Waitlist, and get more education on these fascinating feathered friends.
Birdie Spotlight
Skittles ♡
Twinkle ♥
berry ♡
Questions about raising…
Babies at the Cuddle Nest know human hands and faces from day one. They get to experience the bond of being raised by their feathered parents until they are old enough to fledge. They get the best of both worlds, receiving vital, loving care from their parents while at the same time establishing trust and bonds with humans right from the start.
After fledging, depending on the clutch and how Mama feels, we pay close attention and remove them when she lets us know she’s not interested in having slumber parties in the nest box anymore. At that time, they move to their own apartment just next door to their parents, where they continue their family communications while transitioning more total time to training and taming with humans. We cater to each bird and try to provide the best environment for them to grow in their own time and begin to display their unique personalities and show us who they are.
Diet & Nutrition – Babies at The Cuddle Nest are weaned onto high-quality pellets (we use Rowdy Bush crumbles), either a Cockatiel or Hookbill seed mix (NO SUNFLOWER SEEDS), egg food, and fresh fruits and veggies. The egg food is removed from their diet as more fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked rice, quinoa, pasta, and other treats are introduced. Millet is amply provided when they are young and given less often as a treat as they age.
Please see the Dieting and Nutrition page for more important info.
Contact us
Reach us at Cuddlenest HQ! Just enter your information and any buying inquiries or questions you have, we are happy to help.
Follow us on Instagram @thecuddlenest